I worked as an assistant director on Nanda School of Tradition, a poignant hybrid documentary helmed by Pranab Kumar Aich and produced under the banner of Abhismita Films by Abhaya Pati. The film chronicles the remarkable life of Nanda Prusty, a centenarian free educationist whose unwavering commitment and selflessness transformed his village and inspired a nation.
Working closely with the director, I helped shape the creative vision and orchestrated the seamless fusion of documentary realism with narrative storytelling. From capturing the soul of Prusty’s journey to overseeing on-set dynamics, my role was pivotal in bringing this cinematic tribute to life.
Premiering at the 29th Kolkata International Film Festival in the prestigious Asian Select (NETPAC Award) category, the film's legacy continued with the unveiling of its official trailer and poster at the 77th Cannes Film Festival (Bharat Pavilion), leaving an indelible mark on the global stage.